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Texio (Formerly Kenwood TMI) CS-5370P - MHz 2-Channel Programmable Oscilloscope ( With Digital Readout / Cursor)

MHz 2-Channel Programmable Oscilloscope ( With Digital Readout / Cursor)

Texio (Formerly Kenwood TMI)

Rated 0 / 5 (0 reviews)

Category : Digital Oscilloscopes

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  • Programmable function
  • Parameter Auto Measurement Function
  • Auto Setup Function
  • Cursor Measurement Function
  • High-Sensitivity Design with Vertical Axis of 1 mV/div
  • Automaticv Sync (FIX) Function
  • Easy Operation Panel Layout
  • Delayed sweep with waveform partial magnification capability
  • High-Accuracy ± 2% Design for More Precision Measurement
  • Square-Type 150 mm CRT with Self-Illuminated Light and Inside Scale (17kV)
  • Single sweep for observations of single-shot channel
  • Variable hold-off allowing observation of waveforms with complicated cycle
  • High-Accuracy Calibration Signals
  • CH1 signal output connector
  • Wide Dynamic Range and Distortion-Free Accurate Waveform Display
Quality Discontinued Clearance Product


The CS-5370P is 2-channel Oscilloscope developed with concepts of high function design, high accuracy and easy operation. The panel layout never diminishes the intuitive and high-speed response provide fatigue free operation even after long-hours of use. CS-5370P incorporating readout function offers you parameter measurement and auto setup functions enabling to measure AC voltage (Vp-p), DC voltage, frequency and period. CS-5370P is provided with full features including ±2% high-accuracy measurement, delay sweep function, automatic triggering and high intensity, high-resolution CRT. CS-5370P with high-performance will surely assist you in many kinds of field activities.

Programmable fanction
Internal non volatile program memory allows programmed sequences of up to 100 steps. Optional RS-232C or GP-IB interface card enable bus controlled set up and waveform adjustment.

Parameter Auto Measurement Function
It is possible to measure the voltage, frequency and period automatically just input the signal. Especially for voltage measurement, measurement mode is automatically selected according to the input selector. For example, when the AC input is selected, Peak-to-Peak voltage is automatically measured, and when the DC input is selected, DC voltage is measured automatically.

Auto Setup Function
By pressing the AUTO SET key, the voltage range and time range are selected automatically.

Cursor Measurement Function
The cursor measurement function allows a high accuracy measurement of signal values. When the probes are used, its attenuation ratio can be converted automatically. It is also possible to measure the voltage value and phase dif ferences. When the delay sweep is used, the delay time is also displayed, enabling an accurate measurement results without any errors due to visual checks in conventional systems.

High-Sensitivity Design with Vertical Axis of 1 mV/div
The vertical axis sensitivity can be varied continuously from 1 mV/div. to 5 V/div. using the 1-2-5 step attenuator. The 1 mV/div. position is very useful to measure low-level and complicated signals. (Frequency response at 1 mV/div. and 2mV/div are DC to 20 MHz (-3 dB)).

Automaticv Sync (FIX) Function
With this function, the synchronization level is automatically controlled by tracking the amplitude of the waveform to maintain the sync lock status. This function eliminates annoying and complicated synchronization operations.

Easy Operation Panel Layout
The CS-5370P used touch switches and LEDs.

Delayed sweep with waveform partial magnification capability
The main (A) sweep waveform in which the magnified section is brightened by intensity modulation and the delayed (B) sweep waveform which shows only the magnified section can be obser ved simultaneously. This is a real alternate delayed sweep.

High-Accuracy ± 2% Design for More Precision Measurement
In order to obtain highly reliable measurement results, the vertical axis sensitivity and sweep time for the main circuit is maintained within ± 2% precision. Other specifications also guarantees the rated values (under temperature conditions of 10 to 30°C, humidity of 85% or less).

Square-Type 150 mm CRT with Self-Illuminated Light and Inside Scale (17kV)
A large-sized, square, dome-mesh type CRT with rear accelerator is employed. It features both high intensity and high resolution while providing accurate measurements without parallax view. The auto focus circuit is also incorporated to display sharp waveforms at all times.

Single sweep for observations of single-shot channel
The single sweep function is powerful in measurement of singleshot or sudden channel. Waveform photography using a camera is as easy as ordinary, visual observations. It is easy not only for observations during normal visual inspections but also for camera shots of the waveforms.

Variable hold-off allowing observation of waveforms with complicated cycle
Signals which are hard to be synchronized due to complicated repetition cycles, for example digital signals and video signal bursts, can be synchronized stably by converting them into the hold-off time.

High-Accuracy Calibration Signals
A calibration signal output is provided to output the highly accurate frequency of ± 0.1% and voltage accuracy of ± 1%, enabling checking of the measurement precision at any required time.

CH1 signal output connector
The CH1 signal output is obtained by branching the input signal in the middle of the signal line. As this connector outputs the input signal at a rate of 50 mV/div, connecting a frequency counter makes it possible to measure the frequency of a very low signal while observing its waveform

Wide Dynamic Range and Distortion-Free Accurate Waveform Display
Its wide dynamic range having greater margins assures the linearity of the waveforms displayed on the CRT, providing highly accurate waveform displays without any distortion up to the upper frequency limits.



Type 150 mm rectangular with iinternal graticule 8 × 10 div. (1 div.=10mm)
Accelerating Voltage approx. 17 kV
Vertical Axis (CH1, CH2)
Sensitivity 5 mV to 5 V/div. ± 2%, 1 mV, 2 mV/div. ± 5%, 1-2-5 step, 12 ranges, fine adjustable within the selected range
Input Impedance 1 MΩ ± 1%, approx. 20 pF
Frequency Response
5 mV to 5 V/div. DC: DC to 100 MHz (within -3 dB)
AC: 5 Hz to 100 MHz (within -3 dB)
1 mV, 2 mV/div. DC: DC to 20 MHz (within -3 dB)
AC: 5 Hz to 20 MHz (within -3 dB)
Rising Time 5 mV to 5 V/div.: approx. 3.5 ns
1 mV, 2 mV/div.: approx. 17.5 ns
Signal Delay Time Leading edge can be confirmed using a square wave that has a rising time of less than this unit
Crosstalk -40 dB (at 1 kHz)
Max. Input Voltage 800 Vp-p or 400 V (DC AC peak, 1 kHz)
Vertical Axis
Operation Mode CH1, CH2, ADD, ALT, CHOP
Chopping Frequency Approx. 250 kHz
Polarity Inversion CH2 only
Horizontal (CH2 Input)
Sensitivity 5 mV to 5 V/div. ± 3%, 1 mV, 2 mV/div. ± 5%, 1-2-5 step, 12 ranges, fine adjustable within the selected range
Input Impedance Same as vertical axis (CH2)
Frequency Response DC: DC to 1 MHz ( -3 dB)
AC: 5 Hz to 1 MHz ( -3 dB)
X-Y Phase Difference Less than 3° at 100 kHz
Operation Mode Switchable to X-Y mode with H.MODE key CH1: Y axis, CH2: X axis
Max. Input Voltage Same as vertical axis (CH2)
Sweep Mode A, ALT, B, X-Y
Sweep Time
A Sweep 0.5 s to 50 ns/div. ± 2%, 1-2-5 step
22 ranges, fine adjustable within the selected range
B Sweep 50 ms to 50 ns/div. ± 2%, 1-2-5 step
19 ranges
Sweep Magnification × 10 ± 5%, (± 8% at 0.5 µs/div. )
Linearity ± 3% (± 5% at × 10 MAG mode)
Hold Off A Sweep, continuously variable from NORM position
Trace Separation B Sweep is continuously variable ± 4 div. with respect to A sweep.
Delay Sweep Mode Continuous delay (After Delay), Synchronous delay (B TRIG'D): Synchronized with trigger signal
Delay Time Continuously variable from 0.2 div. to 10 div. (0.5s/div. to 50ns/div.)
Delay Time Error ± (3% of setting value 1% of full scale) (0 to 300 ns)
Delay Jitter 20000 (10 times of A Sweep setting value) : 1 (at A Sweep 1 ms/div, B Sweep 1 µs/div)
Triggering Mode
Trigger Sources VERT, CH1, CH2, LINE
Trigger Coupling AC, HF-REJ, DC, TV-F, TV-L
Trigger Sensitivity (NORM MODE)
Coupling Frequency NORM FIX*
AC 10Hz to 50MHz 1.0 div 1.5 div
50MHz to 100MHz 1.5 div 2.0 div
HF-REJ 10Hz to 10kHz 1.0 div 1.5 div
10 kHz or more > min > min
DC DC to 50MHz 1.0 div 1.5 div
50MHz to 100MHz 1.5 div 2.0 div
TV-F, TV-L Composite video signal 1.5 div  
(Above values are obtained with the signal input of: AUTO: 40 Hz or more, FIX: 50 Hz or more Internal sensitivity indicated as the amplitude on the CRT. Sensitivity in HF-Rej mode >min denotes the amplitude required for synchronization will increase.)
Calibration Signal
Waveform Square wave
Polarity Positive
Amplitude 1 Vp-p ± 1%
Frequency 1 kHz ± 0.1%
Intensity Modulation
Input Voltage Dims at TTL high level ( 5V)
Input Impedance Approx. 10 kΩ
Frequency Response DC to 5 MHz
Max. Input Voltage 84 Vp-p or 42 V (DC AC peak, 1 kHz)
CH1 Signal Output(50Ω Load)
Output Voltage Approx. 50 mVp-p/div
Output Impedance Approx. 50Ω
Frequency Response
5 mV to 5 V/div. 100 Hz to 100 MHz (-3 dB)
1 mV, 2 mV/div. 100 Hz to 20 MHz (-3 dB)
Trace Rotation Enables trace rotation adjustment by semi-fixed controller on the panel
Readout Section
Panel Setup Value CH1, CH2 scale factor (with probe detection)
A/B Sweep scale factor (MAG conversion, * is displayed in MAG mode), X-Y, Sweep UNCAL, DELAY, TIME, B TRIG'D
Cursor Measurement (ΔV1 only in X-Y mode) ΔV1: Voltage display by converting CH1 scale factor
ΔV2: Voltage display by converting CH2 scale factor
ΔT : Time display by converting A Sweep scale factor
Δ1/T: Frequency display by converting Sweep scale factor
Volts/Div or Time/Div UNCAL mode RATIO: Voltage ratio, time ratio display with 5 div. on the CRT as 100%
PHASE: Phase difference display with 5 div. on the CRT as 360°
Resolution/Measurement Error 10 bits/± 4%
Measuring Range
Vertical More than ± 3.6 div. from the center of CRT
Horizontal More than ± 4.6 div. from the center of CRT
Parameter auto setting function Each parameter is measured and displayed for the signal selected as the trigger signal source from CH1 or CH2
Frequency (FRQ) Mode selectable in Cursor mode. Measured with internal counter to be displayed
Frequency Range 2 Hz to 100 MHz
Effective Digits/Accuracy 3 digits/0.01% ± 1 digit
Measurement Sensitivity Same as trigger sensitivity
Period (PER) Mode selectable in Cursor mode. Measured with internal counter to be displayed
Measurement Range 0.5 s to 10 ns
Effective Digits/Accuracy 3 digits/0.01% ±1 digit
Measurement Sensitivity Same as trigger sensitivity
AC Voltage (Vp-p) Mode selectable in Cursor mode. Peak-to-peak voltage is measured and displayed
Measurement Range 0.5 div. to Effective CRT area
Frequency Range 10 Hz to 100 kHz
Effective Digits/Accuracy 3 digits/10 Hz to 40 Hz: ± {8% attenuator setup value (V/div) × 0.04 div}
40 Hz to 100 kHz: ± {3% attenuator setup value (V/div) × 0.04 div}
DC Voltage (DCV) Mode selectable in Cursor more. Average DC voltage is measured and displayed
Sensitivity 0.5 div. to Effective CRT area
Effective Digits/Accuracy 3 digits/± {3% attenuator setup value (V/div) × 0.04 div}
Auto Setup For CH1, CH2, Vertical axis attenuator, Sweep range, Vertical position, Horizontal position are automatically setup
Period 1.5 to 5 periods (H.Variable,: CAL mode, for input signal up to 10 MHz)
Amplitude 2 to 4 div. (1 to 2 div. for 2-channel)
Frequency (Size wave) 50 Hz to 100 MHz
Position Vertical axis: 1 channel ; almost center of CRT, 2 channel ; CH1 approx. 2 div., CH2 approx. -2 div. from the center of CRT Horizontal axis: starts from left edge of CRT scale
Backup Panel setup values are backed up by built-in battery. Battery service life approx. 30,000 hours (with room temperature)
Programable Function
Program capacity Maximum 100 steps (Possible to divide up to 5 groups.)
Power Supply & Others
Power Requirements
Input Voltage AC 100/120/220/230 V (±10% ), 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Power Consumption Max. 62W, 76 VA
Insulator Voltage AC 1.5 kV, 1 minute
Insulator Resistance More than 100MW at DC 500 V
(W x H x D)
305 × 150 × 400 mm /(344 × 165 × 459 mm, Maximum dimensions)
Weight Approx. 9.6 kg
Operating Environment
(limited as indoor use)
Overvoltage Category/Altitude/Pollution II / 2000 m / 2
Specification Guaranteed
Temperature & Humidity 10 to 35°C, 85% or less (with no condensation)
Temperature & Humidity 0 to 40°C, 85% or less (with no condensation)/ -20 to 70°C, 85% or less (with no condensation)
Accessories Operation Manual (1)/Adjusting Screwdriver (1)/Power Supply Cable (1)
Probe PC-51 (2)
Applicable Standards
Safety Standard EN61010-1 & A2 (1995)
EMI EN55011 (1991) Class B, FCC 47 CFR, Part 15, Sub-Part B, Class B
Immunity IEC801-2 (1991) 8kVAD, IEC801-3 (1984) 3V/m, IEC801-4 (1998)

Do you have a MHz 2-Channel Programmable Oscilloscope ( With Digital Readout / Cursor) that needs to be calibrated?

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MHz 2-Channel Programmable Oscilloscope ( With Digital Readout / Cursor)

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