Texio (Formerly Kenwood TMI) HM-250 - Auto-Tuning Distortion Meter
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The HM-250 is a distortion meter capable of 0.1% full scale measurement continuously over the frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz, with a typical residual distortion of 0.01%. It makes full use of pushbutton switches and provides a calibration which can be activated with a single operation regardless of the selected distortion measurement range. Carrier frequency elimination is performed by an automatic tuning technique, thereby greatly simplifying operation. The HM-250 is also usable as a high-sensitivity (100μV f.s.) AC voltmeter.

Automatic Tuning
To eliminate the signal carrier component, simply perform a rough adjustment. The automatic tuning function thereafter automatically tunes to the carrier for extremely simple operation.
High Sensitivity
The HM-250 provides 0.1% full scale as a distortion meter, and 100μV full-scale measurements when used as an AC voltmeter (10 Hz to 200 kHz).
Single-Operation Calibration
Calibration can be activated with a single operation regardless of the selected distortion measurement range.
X-Y Outputs for Waveform Observation
When measuring distortion, the input signal carrier component is provided as the X-axis output and the harmonic component is provided as the Y-axis output (while the input signal is output in output voltage measurements).
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