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GW Instek AFG-4125E - Single-channel 25MHz arbitrary function generator

Single-channel 25MHz arbitrary function generator

GW Instek

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Category : Function Generators

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25MHz~250MHz frequency bandwidth selections to meet diverse signal generation needs!

AFG-4000 arbitrary function generator series is GW Instek’s first arbitrary function generator series to be equipped with an 8” large touch screen. The frequency bandwidth of the single-channel models is 25MHz, and dual- channel models feature 250MHz/100MHz/80MHz/60MHz/35MHz/25MHz frequency bandwidth selections. The entire series provides high resolution of 1μHz and has built-in standard waveforms such as sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, pulse wave, noise wave, harmonic wave, etc. The highest bandwidth 250MHz model provides 1.25GSa/s sample rate; the mid-range models ranging from 35MHz to 100MHz provide 500MSa/s sample rate; and the 25MHz entry-level models have a sampling rate of 125MSa/s. For vertical resolution, the 35MHz~250MHz models feature 16-bit resolution, and 25MHz entry-level models provide 14-bit resolution. In addition, in terms of memory depth, dual channel 25MHz ~250MHz models provide 10M memory depth, and entry-level single channel 25MHz models provide arbitrary waveform editing function with 16k memory depth. The entire series has built-in 146 arbitrary waveforms for editing and output.

The main differences between each model are shown in the table below:

  Single Channel Dual Channel
  AFG-4125E AFG-4125AE* AFG-4225E AFG-4235 AFG-4260 AFG-4280 AFG-4210H AFG-4225H
Frequency range (Sine) 25MHz 25MHz 35MHz 60MHz 80MHz 100MHz 250MHz
Sample rate (Sa/s) 125M 500M 1.25G
Amplitude resolution 14 bits 16 bits
Memory length 16k/CH 10M/CH
Touch panel N/A Yes
Communication Interface USB(Host, Device) USB(Host, Device), LAN
* Built-in Power Amplifier function

The dual-channel models provide dual-channel related settings such as frequency coupling, amplitude coupling and tracking, allowing users to quickly set the output related to the two channels. In terms of modulation function, the AFG-4000 series provides AM, DSB-AM, FM, PM, PWM, ASK, PSK, BPSK, QPSK, FSK, 3FSK, 4FSK, OSK, SUM and other modulation signal outputs. Standard functions include Sweep and Burst outputs and the Counter function. AFG-4125AE has a built-in power amplifier. The power output of the amplifier reaches 10W, and the amplification factor reaches 10 times to produce a maximum output of 22V. The independent input/output power amplifier provides a bandwidth range from 5Hz to 100 kHz, which can be used for audio signal and other application requirements.

The AFG-4000 series is equipped with an 8-inch high-resolution TFT LCD, and models above 35MHz are equipped with the touch screen function. The configuration of touch screen makes inputting parameters more convenient. Users only need to touch parameters such as Frequency, Amplitude or DC offset, and a numeric input window will appear on the screen. Users can intuitively input parameters through this window or the numeric keys on the AFG-4000 panel. Through the 8" large screen, touch screen and diverse built-in waveforms, users can control it at will to meet their signal generation needs.

As for the interfaces, the 25MHz models: AFG-4125E/ 4125AE/ 4225E have built-in USB Host/Device interfaces, and the models with higher bandwidths ranging from 35MHz to 250MHz come standard with USB Host/Device and LAN interfaces.

  • Provide single-channel or dual-channel output
    Single channel:AFG-4125E/4125AE(25MHz)
    Dual Channel:AFG-4225E/4235/4260/4280/4210H/4225H (25/35/60/80/100/250MHz)
  • Built-in Sine, Square, Triangle, Ramp, Pulse, Noise, Harmonic wave, Arbitrary wave
  • Min. resolution is 1μHz
  • Arbitrary function: Sampling rate
    AFG-4225H: 1.25GSa/s
    AFG-4235/ 4260/ 4280/ 4210H: 500MSa/s
    AFG-4125E/ 4125AE/ 4225E: 125MSa/s
  • Amplitude Resolution:
    AFG-4125E/ 4125AE/ 4225E: 14bits
    AFG-4235/ 4260/ 4280/ 4210H/ 4225H:16bits
  • Memory Length:
    AFG-4225E/AFG-4235/ 4260/ 4280/ 4210H/ 4225H: 10M/per channel
    AFG-4125E/ 4125AE: 16k/per channel
  • Modulation: AM, DSB-AM, FM, PM, PWM, ASK, PSK, BPSK, QPSK, FSK, 3FSK, 4FSK, OSK, SUM
  • Built-in sweep, burst, counter function
  • AFG-4125AE Built-in Power Amplifier function
  • Communication interface:
    AFG-4235/ 4260/ 4280/ 4210H/ 4225H provide USB, LAN interface
    AFG-4125E/ 4125AE/ 4225E provide USB interface
  • 8” TFT LCD Display, 800*480 resolution; Multi-Touch Display: AFG-4235/ 4260/ 4280/ 4210H/ 4225H


Main Specifications

WaveformsSine, Square, Triangle, Pulse, Noise, Harmonic, ARB


Arbitrary Functions

ARB functionBuilt-in
Sample Rate (user-editable sampling rate range from 2μSa/s to 62.5MSa/s)125MSa/s
Repetition Rate (Arbitrary wave)15 MHz
Waveform Length2 to 16K points
Amplitude Resolution14 bits
Minimum rise and fall time< 10 ns
Non-Volatile Memory32MB
User-defined output sectionFrom point 2~16384
User-defined output marker sectionFrom point2~16384


Frequency Characteristics

Triangle, Ramp1MHz
Noise (-3dB)25MHz BW
Harmonic Wave12.5MHz
Resolution1 μHz or 10 digits
Accuracy Stability±2 ppm at 25°C±5°C
Aging±1 ppm, per 1 year
Tolerance±1 ppm


Output Characteristics (not specifically marked, the default load is 50Ω)

Output amplitude1mVpp to 10Vpp (≤ 25MHz, into 50Ω. 2mVpp to 20 Vpp open-circuit )
1mVpp to 5Vpp (≤ 60MHz, into 50Ω. 2mVpp to 10 Vpp open-circuit )
1mVpp to 2.5Vpp (≤ 100MHz , into 50Ω. 2mVpp to 5 Vpp open-circuit )
Bandwidth flatness≤10MHz: ±0.2dB
≤60MHz: ±0.3dB
≤100MHz: ±0.5dB
(relative to 100 kHz Sine wave, 1 Vpp,50Ω)
Amplitude Accuracy± (2% of setting + 1 mVpp)(1kHz sine,0V offset, >10mVpp)
Resolution0.1mVpp or 4 digits (The amplitude ≥ 1Vpp is 1mVpp)
Output Impedance50Ω (Typical)
Output protectionShort circuit protection, the output will be automatically turned off when overloaded
DC Offset
Range± (10 Vpk – Amplitude Vpp / 2),(High resistance)
Accuracy± (3 % of |setting| + 5 mV + amplitude Vpp * 0.5%)
Resolution0.1 mVpp or 4 digits (The amplitude > 1 Vpp is 1 mVpp)


Sine wave Characteristics

Harmonic distortion (DC Offset set to 0V)DC to 25MHz: <-50dBc Typical (0dBm)
Total harmonic distortion< 0.1 %, 10 Hz to 20 kHz, 1 Vpp
Non-harmonic distortionTypical (0dBm) ≤25MHz: <-45dBc
Phase noise10MHz: ≤-110dBc/Hz Typical (0dBm, 10kHz offset)


Square wave Characteristics

Rise/fall time< 30ns
OvershootTypical (100 kHz, 1 Vpp) < 5% (50Ω)
Duty cycle50.00% (fixed)


Triangle wave Characteristics

Linearity< 0.1% of peak output (typical 1 kHz, 1 Vpp, symmetry 50%)< 0.1% of peak output (typical 1 kHz, 1 Vpp, symmetry 50%)
Symmetry0.0% to 100.0%


Pulse wave Characteristics

Period200 ns to 1000 ks
Pulse Width≥ 48ns
Duty cycle0.1% to 99.9% (limited by the frequency setting)
Rise and fall time≥ 32ns (limited by the pulse width setting)
OvershootTypical (100 kHz, 1 Vpp) < 5%


Noise wave Characteristics

TypesGaussian white noise
Bandwidth (-3dB)25MHz BW


Harmonic wave Characteristics

Harmonic number≤16
Frequency Range1μHz to 12.5MHz
Harmonic typeOdd, even, sequential, custom
Harmonic amplitudeEach harmonic amplitude can be set
Harmonic phaseEach harmonic phase can be set


Modulation Characteristics

CarrierSine, Square, Ramp, ARB(except DC) (ARB length is 8192)
Modulated signal sourceInternal or External
Internal modulation waveformSin, Square, Ramp, Noise, ARB
Internal amplitude modulation frequency2 mHz to 1 MHz
Depth0% to 120%
CarrierSine, Square, Ramp
Modulated signal sourceInternal or External
Internal modulation waveformSine, Square, Ramp
Internal amplitude modulation frequency2 mHz to 1 MHz
Depth0% to 100%
CarrierSine, Square, Ramp, ARB(except DC) (ARB length is 8192)
Modulated signal sourceInternal or External
Internal modulation waveformSine, square, ramp, noise, ARB
Internal amplitude modulation frequency2 mHz to 1 MHz
Frequency offset2 mHz ≤ offset ≤ min (carrier frequency, carrier maximum frequency carrier frequency) by default, the smaller of the two
CarrierSine, square, ramp, ARB (except DC) (ARB length is 8192)
Modulated signal sourceInternal or External
Internal modulation waveformSine, square, ramp, noise, ARB
Internal amplitude modulation frequency2 mHz to 1 MHz
Phase deviation range0° to 180°
Modulated signal sourceInternal or External
Internal modulation waveformSine, square, ramp, noise, ARB (except DC) (ARB length is 8192)
Internal amplitude modulation frequency2 mHz to 1 MHz
OffsetOffset 0 to min (min is the smaller value of pulse wave duty cycle and 100%-pulse wave duty cycle)
CarrierSine, square, ramp, ARB(ARB length is 8192)
Modulated signal sourceInternal or External
Internal modulation waveform50% duty cycle Square
ASK frequency2 mHz to 1MHz
CarrierSine, square, ramp, ARB(ARB length is 8192)
Modulated signal sourceInternal or External
Internal modulation waveform50% duty cycle Square
PSK frequency2 mHz to 1MHz
CarrierSine, square, ramp, ARB(ARB length is 8192)
Modulated signal sourceInternal or External
Internal modulation waveform50% duty cycle Square
FSK frequency2 mHz to 1MHz
CarrierSine, square, ramp, ARB(ARB length is 8192)
Modulated signal sourceInternal
Internal modulation waveform50% duty cycle Square
FSK frequency2 mHz to 1MHz
CarrierSine, square, ramp, ARB(ARB length is 8192)
Modulated signal sourceInternal
Internal modulation waveform50% duty cycle Square
FSK frequency2 mHz to 1MHz
CarrierSine, square, ramp, ARB(ARB length is 8192)
Modulated signal sourceInternal
Internal modulation waveform50% duty cycle Square
BPSK frequency2 mHz to 1MHz
Carrier2 mHz to 1MHz
Modulated signal sourceInternal
Internal modulation waveform50% duty cycle Square
QPSK frequency2 mHz to 1MHz
CarrierSine wave
Modulated signal sourceInternal
Internal modulation waveform50% duty cycle Square
Oscillation time8ns to 249.75s
OSK frequency2 mHz to 1MHz
CarrierSine, square, ramp
Modulated signal sourceInternal or External
Internal modulation waveformSine, square, ramp, noise, ARB
Internal amplitude modulation frequency2 mHz to 1 MHz
Depth0% to 100%


Sweep Characteristics

CarrierSine, square, ramp, ARB (except DC) (ARB length is 8192)
Minimum/maximum starting frequency1uHz
Maximum stop frequency.
Sine wave25MHz
Square wave5MHz
Triangle wave1MHz
Arbitrary wave15MHz
TypesLinear, logarithmic, Step
Sweep directionUp / Down
Sweep time1 ms ~ 500 s ± 0.1%
Trigger sourceInternal, external, manual


Burst Characteristics

WaveformSine, square, ramp, pulse, Noise(Except N Cycle) ,ARB (Except DC) (ARB length is 8192)
TypesCount (1 to 1000,000 cycles), Infinite, gated
Trigger sourceInternal, External, Manual
Carrier frequency2mHz to BW/ 2
Trigger cycle20ns - 500 s (Min = Cycles * Period)
Gated sourceExternal trigger


Counter Specifications

Measurement functionFrequency, period, positive pulse width, negative pulse width,duty cycle
Frequency Range100 mHz - 200 MHz
Frequency resolution7 digits
Coupling methodAC, DC
Voltage range and sensitivity(non- modulated signal)
DC offset range±1.5V
DC coupling100mHz - 100 MHz: 250 mVpp - 5 Vpp (AC+DC) ,100 Hz - 200 MHz: 400 mVpp - 5 Vpp (AC+DC)
AC coupling1Hz - 100 MHz: 250 mVpp - 5 Vpp , 100 Hz - 200 MHz: 400 mVpp - 5 Vpp
Pulse width and duty cycle measurement1 Hz - 10 MHz (250 mVpp -5 Vpp)
Input resistance1 MΩ
SensitivityCan be set high, medium and low
Trigger level range±2.5 V


Power Amplifier Characteristics



Input/Output Characteristics

Channel couplingChannel copy, amplitude syn, frequency syn, align phase
External modulation Input
Input frequency rangeDC - 100 kHz (Due to hardware limitations, it is best to set the external modulation frequency to be less than 20KHz)
Input level range± 1V full scale
Input impedance10 kΩ (typical)
External trigger input
SlopeRising or falling (selectable)
Pulse Width>100ns
External clock input
Impedance1MΩ, AC coupling
Input level range1Vpp to 3.3Vpp
Lock time<1s
Lock range 10 MHz ± 50Hz10 MHz ± 50Hz
Internal clock output
Frequency10 MHz ± 50Hz
Impedance50 Ω, DC coupling
Maximum frequency1MHz
Sync Output
Level3.3V (LVTTL)
Impedance50 Ω, DC coupling
Maximum frequency1MHz


General Specifications

Type8-inch color LCD display
Resolution800 Horizontal ×480 Vertical pixels
Color65536 colors, 16 bits, TFT
Touch screen capacitive-
Communication InterfaceUSB Host, USB Device
Voltage100 - 240 V (± 10%), 50 / 60 Hz
Power consumptionLess than 50VA
Fuse250V, F2AL
Satisfy the specification18 °C to 28 °C
Working temperature0 °C to 40 °C
Storage temperature-20 °C to 60 °C,Humidity: ≤70%
Installation categoryCAT II
Relative humidityLess than 35°C: ≤ 90% relative humidity
35°C to 40°C: ≤ 60% relative humidity
HeightOperating 3,000 meters
Non-operation 12,000 meters
Pollution DegreeIEC 61010 degree 2, Indoor use
Safety designedEN61010-1
Cooling methodSmart fan cooling
Mechanical Specification
Dimension340 mm (Length) × 177 mm (Height) × 90mm (Width)
WeightWeight Approx. 2.5 kg
AccessoriesDFTC x 1, USB Cable x 1, AC Power Cord x 1
For AFG-4125E/4125AE BNC to Alligator Clips Cable x 1
For AFG-4225E/4235 BNC to Alligator Clips Cable x 2
For AFG-4260/4280/4210H/4225H BNC Cable × 2
Others Adjustment intervalThe recommended calibration interval is one year

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Single-channel 25MHz arbitrary function generator

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